Title: Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced medical imaging and documentation for Clinical Trials
Date: Tuesday, February 6th, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. PT
Location: Clinical Trial Technology Innovation Track
This presentation provides a practical exploration of AI in clinical trials and will focus on Optimizing Processes, Enhancing Quantitative Analysis, and Streamlining Documentation.
Senior Vice President, Data Science at Clario
Shyam has 15+ years of experience in data management and life sciences industry and has a strong expertise in data science and analysis. Shyam heads up the data science department for the Medical Imaging business segment of Clario. The department oversees design, collection, cleaning and standardization of medical imaging data; and creating analysis and AI models on clinical, operational, and financial data. His experience includes working for Janssen Alzheimer’s Immunotherapy and Medtronic. Shyam has a master’s in data science and engineering from UCSD.
Vice President, Image Analysis and AI Governing at Clario
Joonmi has 15+ years of experience in medical imaging and its application to clinical research and clinical trials. She is leading quantitative analysis and QC department and governing AI on delivery and R&D at Clario. Her experience includes product development, imaging protocol design, image processing algorithm and operational imaging service development. Joonmi has a Ph.D. degree in Electronical Engineering from University of Birmingham, UK.
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