Cardiac safety concerns are among the leading reasons that promising drugs are delayed or abandoned. Centralized ECG collection drives optimal enrollment decisions, increases patient safety and speeds trials. Clario is a leading provider of ECG services, with 50 years of experience designing and conducting successful studies. We offer a range of options tailored to your compound, site locations and ever-changing regulatory requirements.
Product detail
Our solution empowers studies with standard assessments, high-quality data and centralized monitoring to minimize risk. Whether using a traditional ECG collection model or looking for a way to virtualize your clinical trial, our solution can be customized to support your trial design.
Traditional ECG
- Relying on site local ECG collection causes inconsistency, poor-quality data can result in erroneously including/excluding patients due to inaccurate machine measurements
- Our consistent equipment and analysis methodology specifically designed for clinical trials equates to high quality, clean, consistent, digital ECG data, delivered centrally to the client
Home ECG
- Simple easy-to-use design enables patient-administered ECGs at home
- Our solution is fully integrated with Clario’s platform and enables clinical-trial-quality centralized ECG reads
- Flexible technology supports patients or traveling nurse collection models with all the same benefits of a traditional site-based ECG
- Clario applies operational expertise enabling our sponsors to execute trials in the most challenging and ever-evolving environments
Related solutions

Arrhythmia Analysis
Collect continuous ECG data with certainty in site-based or decentralized clinical trials with our flexible technology solutions and patient-friendly devices.

Blood Pressure Services
Collect and centrally analyze accurate, consistent, quality blood pressure data from site-based to decentralized trials.

Phase I/TQT Cardiac Assessment
Fulfill your ICH E14 requirement early, minimize risk and potentially reduce costs throughout your trial by collaborating with our Phase 1 Center of Excellence.

Regulatory Consultation and Statistical Analysis Expertise
Leverage our industry key opinion leaders to understand the complex regulatory landscape while minimizing risk with confidence.