
Joyce Suhy headshot

Joyce Suhy, Ph.D.

EVP Medical Imaging and Specialty Solutions


Tamanna Nahar, M.D., MBA

VP, Medical & Scientific Affairs

Tonya Varcelli headshot

Tonya Varcelli, Ph.D.

Director, Scientific and Medical Affairs


Wan Chi (Gigi) Lau

VP, Medical Imaging

Gastroenterology & NAFLD/NASH

Marcela Vieira headshot

Marcela Vieira Fleury Curado, M.D.

Medical Director, Gastroenterology

Mark Tendowski headshot

Mark Tengowski, DVM, M.S., Ph.D.

Director, Medical & Scientific Affairs

Kenneth Gaither headshot

Kenneth W. Gaither, Ph.D.

VP, Medical Imaging


Thomas Fuerst headshot

Thomas Fuerst, Ph.D.

Chief Science Officer

Kenneth Gaither headshot

Kenneth W. Gaither, Ph.D.

VP, Medical Imaging

Klaus Engelke headshot

Klaus Engelke, Ph.D.

Director of Special Imaging Techniques


Joyce Suhy headshot

Joyce Suhy, Ph.D.

EVP Medical Imaging and Specialty Solutions

David Scott headshot

David Scott, Ph.D.

VP, Medical & Scientific Affairs

Luc Bracoud headshot

Luc Bracoud, M.Sc.

Senior Director, Medical and Scientific Affairs


Wan Chi (Gigi) Lau

VP, Medical Imaging


Anu Bansal, M.D.

Vice President, Medical Imaging Oncology

Robert Ford headshot

Robert Ford, M.D.

Senior Advisor and Chief Medical Officer Emeritus

Julie Cole headshot

Julie Cole, M.D.

VP, Medical Imaging, Oncology

Beatriz Lega headshot

Beatriz Lega, M.D.

VP, Medical Oncology

Steven Soignet headshot

Steven Soignet, M.D.

Medical Director

Elizabeth Greenstein headshot

Elizabeth Greenstein

Director, Oncologic & Molecular Imaging

Di Luo headshot

Di Luo, M.D.

Director, Medical & Scientific Affairs

Paul vanMeurs headshot

Paul van Meurs, M.D.

Director, Medical & Scientific Affairs Oncology

John Wolodzko headshot

John G Wolodzko, Ph.D., DABSNM, FACNM

Sr. Medical Physicist

Rob Scarimbolo headshot

Robert Scarimbolo

VP, Medical & Scientific Affairs, Shared Services

Zachary LaVoie headshot

Zachary LaVoie

Director, Medical & Scientific Affairs, Oncology

Matt Marini headshot

J. Matthew Marini, M.Ed.

Senior Manager, Medical Analytics & Informatics


Amit Vasanji headshot

Amit Vasanji, Ph.D.

VP, Medical & Scientific Affairs


Klaus Engelke headshot

Klaus Engelke, Ph.D.

Director of Special Imaging Techniques