Title: Training and Support in a Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) World
Date: Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. PDT
The emergence of DCTs has inspired a new way of thinking about clinical research. As the industry looked to solve the problems created by COVID-19, new technologies, approaches, and ways of thinking emerged. One of the areas that needed re-imagination was the training and support we provide for our patients.
Typically, in a traditional clinical trial site personnel are available to provide training and support for patients as they encounter the technologies and tests required to deliver the data for clinical trials. As DCTs became prevalent, our patients were left to manage these challenges on their own, often isolated in their houses.
This panel will discuss aspects of these challenges including:
Senior Vice President of Integrated Customer Solutions and Trial Oversight at Clario
As Senior Vice President of Integrated Platforms and Trial Oversight at Clario, Tim is responsible for delivering solutions that bring together the Clario portfolio of products to provide exceptional experiences for patients, sites, and sponsors. His team focuses on minimizing the burden for patients and sites through the delivery of intuitive streamlined applications by uniquely combining traditional eCOA, Respiratory, Cardiac Safety and Imaging interactions in a harmonized ecosystem. Tim has 25 years’ experience of working in healthcare, with a focus on the medical imaging industry. He has held many executive positions, including Product Line Executive, CTO, CSO, and also as President and CEO at ImageIQ, where he led the company’s deployment of software engineering, high-resolution imaging and custom-tailored image analysis, to support the delivery of high-quality imaging data for clinical research
Manager, Research Delivery, Patient Experience Team CorEvitas, LLC
Brittany Maley has more than 16 years of experience in customer service, instructional design, and research, working in the pharmaceutical industry for the last seven years. Along with her experience in gathering insights to enhance recruitment and retention, she uses her degrees in education and educational technology, and instructional design to bring the patient voice to clinical trials using creative and innovative methods.