Title: Optimizing ePRO Data in Decentralized Trials
Date: Wednesday, May 25th, 2022
Time: 11:30 a.m. EST
For clinical trials to detect a true treatment effect, the measurement approach must be reliable and valid. With current regulatory guidance to incorporate Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) as critical endpoints, it is crucial that studies utilize evidence-based decisions in the design, deployment, and management of PRO data. PROs inherently rely on participant buy-in, comprehension, and motivation to contribute to the advancement of medical and scientific knowledge. In this presentation, we will look at:
Scientific Advisor at Clario
Dr. Emerson is a scientist with over 15 years of experience in behavioral and social science research focusing on the role of technology in measuring and intervening on health behaviors. She has extensive experience in eCOA database design and management. She is currently a Scientific Advisor at Clario, a global data and technology company that helps to minimize risk in clinical trials. In her current role she supports sponsors and CROs in eCOA design best practices and preliminary study set-up to optimize the reliability of eCOA data.