European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO)

March 1, 2023
March 4, 2023
Bella Center Copenhagen Center Boulevard 5 DK-2300 Copenhagen

This year’s 18th Congress of ECCO revolves around the theme “Sequencing in IBD”, hosted by the best professionals in the field of IBD and gastroenterology. Structured around basic science and traditional medicine, these informative clinical sessions are given by some of the world’s top specialists. Clario’s own Marcela Vieira, M.D, Medical Director of Gastroenterology will be presenting a poster presentation on the development of an end-to-end Mayo endoscopic score machine learning algorithm for use in clinical trials of ulcerative colitis.

Session Information:

Title: Development of an end-to-end Mayo endoscopic score machine learning algorithm for use in clinical trials of ulcerative colitis

Date: Friday, March 3rd, 2023

Time: 12:30 – 13:30 CET

Poster presentation number: P123

Scoring colonoscopy videos of UC patients requires a high level of expertise, but even among trained expert readers there are disagreements. In clinical trials, this can negatively impact both subject selection and assessment of treatment response. Consistency among central readers might be improved by algorithms that automatically process videos to identify salient features and estimate the level of disease activity using established scoring methods.


Marcela Vieira headshot

Marcela Vieira Fleury Curado, MD

Medical Director, Gastroenterology at Clario

Dr. Marcela Vieira is a physician-scientist and gastrointestinal endoscopist responsible for the Gastroenterology Division at Clario where, as Medical Director, she leads the design and medical and scientific oversight of the imaging endpoints for clinical trials. Marcela worked at AstraZeneca as a Clinical Research Physician and as a Gastroenterology Researcher at Johns Hopkins University, US. She has experience from early and late phase trials, having worked on Drug Safety and Clinical Development teams across various programs in immunology. Now, her focus is on innovation and collaboration, bringing cutting edge imaging technology to the care of patients with gastrointestinal disorders.