Title: Back to basics – lead with science
Date: Wednesday, May 18th, 2022
Time: 11:15 a.m. CET
The acceleration of deployment of technologies in clinical trials, along with the current focus on how to operationalize decentralized/hybrid trials has diluted the primary purpose of clinical trials, which is to advance medical and scientific knowledge. Quite often clinical trial protocols are developed around new technologies and methodologies rather than being centered around the scientific questions (endpoints) that the protocol aims (needs) to answer. In this presentation, we will look at how, by leading with Science, we can help improve and extend the lives of people around the world by refocusing our attention on optimizing clinical trial protocols. By doing this, sponsors will unlock the clinical evidence they need to bring new innovative treatments to market.
VP, eCOA Science and Consulting at Clario
In his role as VP, eCOA Science and Consulting, Bryan brings extensive experience and expertise to achieve smarter drug development, clinical trial design and execution (including decentralized and remote trials) to vastly expand the reach and access of trials to more patients, provide improved patient experience and data quality to deliver accelerated drug and device development programs. Bryan is a thought leader and recognized strategist and visionary and continues to influence, drive and deliver on the pharma wide industry necessity for smarter drug and device development and life cycle management.