Poster title: Impact of AI-based segmentation on PET analyses
Poster #: 89228
Authors: Luc Bracoud, M. Sc.; Joyce Suhy, Ph.D.; Thomas Cajgfinger, Ph.D.; Olivier Rousset, Ph.D.; Madhura Ingalhalikar, Ph.D.; Chris Conklin, Ph.D.; Manja Lehmann, Ph.D.; Joel Schaerer, Ph.D.; David Scott, Ph.D.
Date: Saturday, July 27
Poster title: Low Incidence of Amyloid Related Imaging Abnormalities over 104 Weeks in a Phase 2 Study of Amyloid Anti-Oligomer Agent ALZ-801: Phase 2 Study Results in Biomarker Positive APOE4 Carriers with Early Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Poster #: 92653
Authors: Patrick Kesslak, Ph.D.; Susan Abushakra, M.D.; Luc Bracoud, M.Sc.; Joyce Suhy, Ph.D.; John A. Hey, Ph.D.; Jerome Barakos, M.D.; Jakub Hort, Ph.D., M.D.; Niels D. Prins, Ph.D., M.D.; Aidan Power, M.D. and Martin Tolar, M.D., Ph.D.
Date: Tuesday, July 30
Poster title: Plasma Biomarkers, Hippocampal Volume and Cognitive Effects of Oral ALZ-801: The Phase 2 Biomarker Study and its Long-Term Extension in APOE4 Carriers with Early Alzheimer’s Disease
Poster #: 92548
Authors: Susan Abushakra, M.D.; John A. Hey, Ph.D.; Kaj Blennow, M.D., Ph.D.; Jakub Hort, MD Ph.D.; Niels D. Prins, Ph.D., M.D.; Patrick Kesslak, Ph.D.; Winnie Pak; Larry Shen, Ph.D.; Xinyi Zhu; Caiyan Li; Adem Albayrak; Luc Bracoud, M.Sc.; Joyce Suhy, Ph.D.; Aidan Power, M.D. and Martin Tolar, M.D., Ph.D.
Date: Wednesday, July 31
Poster title: Trends in Alzheimer’s Disease clinical outcome assessments in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials from 1993 to present
Authors: Sarah T Gary, Ph.D.; Reina Davis-Aoki, Ph.D.; Prateek Verma, M.D. and Bryan McDowell, M.B.A.
Date: Wednesday, July 31