Scientific Advisor, eCOA Science and Consulting at Clario
Libby Thomas is a Scientific Advisor at Clario, utilizing her curiosity and knowledge of human behavior to provide scientific consultation on electronic clinical outcome assessments (eCOA) in the clinical trial space. Her focus includes diary design best practice, patient advocacy and human-centered design.
Libby began her education studying the implementation of brain-computer interfaces in patients with locked-in syndrome in the lab of the late Dr. Emanuel Donchin. She continued her studies and research working daily with participants with schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder and bipolar disorder for four and a half years corresponding with her graduate studies at the University of Georgia.
During this time, she set up and analyzed data from electroencephalograms and magnetoencephalograms, allowing her to gain hands-on knowledge and a deeper understanding of where the activities of the human brain overlap with physics (e.g. electrical and magnetic activity). She has authored and co-authored numerous academic works and publications. And, because she likes to know how everything works, she occasionally dabbles in solution and software design.
Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University
Dr. Kelly Posner Gerstenhaber is a Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, and her work is saving lives all over the globe. Her work has been noted in a White House keynote speech and Congressional hearings, including her presentation in a US Senate forum on school safety in partnership with the Parkland community. Through her advocacy she has helped change local, national and international policy, which in turn has contributed to reductions in suicide across all sectors of society.
Dr. Posner’s work with the Columbia Protocol is now policy across all 50 states, national agencies and most countries. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has characterized her work as “setting a standard in the field” and a lead article in The New York Times called it “one of the most profound changes of the past sixteen years to regulations governing drug development.” Her scholarly work has been included in the compendium of the most important research in the history of the study of suicide and was recognized as one of top 20 most cited papers from Columbia faculty over the past 10 years.
Dr. Posner has been awarded the United States Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service.
Chairman of the Board, Meret Solutions;
Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Univ. Of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
John is MERET Solutions’ Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder, Research Professor (Volunteer) for the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences School of Medicine-Wichita at the University of Kansas and also Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. One of the pioneers in the field of computerized medicine, he co-founded Epic Systems Corporation, PRN Systems, and Healthcare Technology Systems and is board certified in psychiatry and a distinguished life fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.
Dr. Geist has major clinical and research interests in anxiety and mood disorders, suicidality, psychopharmacology, cognitive behavior therapy and clinical applications of computing. He has coauthored over 300 publications including Antidepressant Treatment, Depression and Its Treatment, Anxiety and Its Treatment, Primer of Lithium Therapy, Lithium Encyclopedia for Clinical Practice, Fearless Flying, Run to Reality, and patient booklets in the Madison Institute of Medicine series on Antipsychotic Medications and Schizophrenia; Carbamazepine and Manic Depression; Depression and Antidepressants; Fearful Flyer’s Guide; Lithium and Manic Depression; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia; PMDD; Alzheimer’s Disease; and Social Phobia.