Poster title:
Office Blood Pressure Variability: Within Session Stability Across Consecutive Measurements using Oscillometric Devices (ID 1207)
Blood pressure is well known to vary physiologically throughout a day, and over the course of days and weeks, due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Little data has been published describing the variability of SBP and DBP recorded just minutes apart using oscillometric methods (i.e. within session variability). We reviewed data from over 20.000 measurement pairs collected in hypertensive patients. Our data demonstrate substantial variability between consecutive oscillometric BP measurements performed a few minutes apart. Over 20% of the time, consecutive inflations show an absolute change in SBP of at least 10 mmHg. It is unclear whether this represents true physiologic changes in BP or is partly artefactual due to failure of a device’s algorithm to determine BP accurately from the oscillometric waveform. These data suggest that criteria for within session variability for automated oscillometric blood pressure devices should be established, including a threshold for repeating the session after 10 minutes of rest, to assure accurate time point data is available.
Director, Scientific Affairs at Clario
Dr. Luc Dekie is the Director of Scientific Affairs at Clario. He received his Ph.D. in Sciences and a post-graduate degree in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering Techniques from the University of Ghent. He has been active in the field of clinical trials since 2002 and has held senior positions in operations (Director of Operations in an ECG core lab and Director of Project Management at a central lab) and within Scientific Affairs. In his current role, he supports cardiovascular safety operations, business development, the protocol review teams, cardiac science and product development and provides cardiac safety consultative services.