Title: Harnessing Generative AI in Business Operations and Legal Practice: Optimizing Resources and Navigating Ethical Compliance Pitfalls
Date: July 26, 2024
Time: 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST
This special “Spotlight on AI” panel discussion will include topics such as:
SVP and General Counsel at Clario
Lauren Misztal is a business-oriented and solutions-driven legal advisor who draws on close to two decades of experience successfully resolving complex legal and regulatory issues. Prior to joining Clario, Lauren held senior legal and compliance roles at Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and McKesson Corporation and was an associate and Of Counsel at Quinn Emanuel LLP. Lauren began her legal career as a trial attorney at the US Department of Justice after clerking for a federal judge in Washington, DC.
She received her JD from Georgetown University Law Center and her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. Prior to attending law school, Lauren was a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs. As Clario’s General Counsel, Lauren sets and implements the company’s global legal strategy and leads the data privacy, commercial contracting, and corporate legal teams. She is a thought leader on AI governance, author of Clario’s AI Responsible Use Principles, and founding member of the Company’s AI Governance Committee.